The following is required to complete the online submission. Please note, detailed instructions are provided online during the abstract submission process
Use a concise title that summarizes the content of the abstract. Capitalize the first letter of each word except prepositions, articles, and species names. Italicize all specific/scientific names of microorganisms as appropriate.
Subject Category
Select up to two subject categories. Click here for the full list of abstract categories. Abstracts will be divided into categories for review and programming purposes. Please review the entire category list and ensure the correct category is select for the abstract. The IDWeek Program Committee reserves the right to reassign your abstract to a different category if deemed necessary.
Key Words
Choose one to three key words in the menu (highest priority first). Additional keywords are accepted but should be words in common usage, such as those used in Medline and Index Medicus.
Enter complete author(s) names (example: John S. Doe, MD). Include the name, degree, institution, city, state, and country of all authors and author groups. Authors cannot be added or removed after the submission deadline has passed. All authors must provide disclosures of potential conflicts of interest and complete an attestation form prior to the submission deadline .
List the name of each author’s institution, city, state, and country (do not include department, division, laboratory, etc.). Grant acknowledgments should not appear in abstracts but should be included in the CME disclosures.
Drug Names
Drug products mentioned in the abstract should be identified by their non-proprietary (e.g., generic) name only. Do not capitalize non-proprietary names.
Abstract Text
Describe the relevance of the research using background, methods, results, and conclusions. IDWeek will not edit or revise the abstracts. Submitters/authors are responsible for the accuracy of the abstract text. We recommend that a colleague review the abstract for accuracy and grammar.
Image/Figure Uploads
Please provide high resolution jpg, png, or gif images. Use the upload slots to provide any images or tables corresponding with the abstract. Each slot is associated with a section of the abstract (Background (maximum 2 images), Methods (maximum 2 images), Results (maximum 3 images), and Conclusion (maximum 3 images)).
Contact Information
Provide all pertinent contact information to ensure that correspondence is received promptly and accurately. You must specify one “presenting author.” IDWeek will correspond with the presenting author using only the contact information that is provided at the time of submission. It is the responsibility of the presenting author to communicate future correspondence to all co-authors. Notifications will be sent to the presenting author only.
Changes/modifications, including author and affiliation changes, are allowed for submitted abstracts until the abstract submission deadline. Changes to submitted abstracts will not be possible after the submission deadline. Once you submit the abstract, a confirmation message will appear on the screen with an abstract tracking number assigned. Keep a record of your abstract tracking number until you receive your abstract disposition letter.
Formatting Your Abstract
Changing/Editing Your Abstract