IDWeek’s official audio visual vendor is PROJECTION AV.
Please format your slides to 16:9 wide format. The following Audio Visual equipment will be provided. Additional AV requests may be able to be accommodated at an added cost, email the IDWeek team to inquire.
*Audience response devices (ARS) are not permitted in the Learning Lounges due to limited time between sessions and a lack of storage capacity. Use the ARS feature in the IDWeek app when setting up your event using the Instructions for Set up by Aug. 7 (immediate section below).
No standard set, the venue and Projection can provide quotes
No standard set, the venue and Projection can provide quotes
No standard set, the venue and Projection can provide quotes
Event organizers will manage their own sessions in the CadmiumCD Conference Harvester system.
The interactive program already includes the affiliated events. You can make edits to your event title, speaker details, or session information at any time. Those changes will be immediately reflected in the online interactive program and app.
On Aug. 8, IDWeek will export the session titles for publication in the printed Info Guide and signage design. Any changes after Aug. 7 will not be reflected in the printed materials.
Review the recording on how to use the system that was presented on July 11.
For $10,000 any learning lounge, satellite symposia, presentation theater or industry education evening can be live streamed to the virtual audience.
Event organizers can turn on/off chat or Q&A.
The slides will be displayed on the screen as shown above and the audio will play the presentation. The presenter will not be filmed or shown to the virtual audience.
For $5,000 any learning lounge, satellite symposia, presentation theater, or industry education evening can be recorded, shared with the event organizer for edits, and hosted on-demand through March 31, 2024. The IDWeek A/V team will be available to edit your recording. The heads and tails of the video can be trimmed at no charge. Additional edits can be made at the rate of $100/hour.
Chat and Q&A will NOT be available during on-demand viewing.
Event organizers may prerecord and edit their own presentations then upload it to the IDWeek platform for no additional cost. Prerecorded presentations hosted on external websites can be linked to the on-demand platform for no additional cost.
The on-demand recording will display the slides and the audio will play the presentation. The presenter will not be filmed or shown to the on-demand audience.
Many of your speakers will already be registered for IDWeek 2023. Anyone who needs access to the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center will need an IDWeek badge. Events in the Westin and Omni hotels do not require badges. Complimentary badges are available for your speakers and event organizers. Please secure the necessary badges by following the instructions received in the email from Sara Taylor.
Accounts have been created for each affiliated event host and hotel reservations can be made using the portal upon login.
IDWeek 2023 Lead Retrieval Order Form
IDWeek 2023 Attendee List Order Form
Complimentary Attendee Lists Do Not Include Email Addresses
The preregistration deadline is Sept. 8. We recommend requesting these complimentary lists the week of Sept. 11.
IDWeek will produce an affiliated event schedule sign that will be placed near the Learning Lounge space and inside the convention center sharing every affiliated event title, room number, and scheduled time.
Outside the Learning Lounges or meeting space for a Satellite Symposia, Presentation Theaters, or Industry Education Evenings, you may produce and place a “reasonably-sized” sign (a sign that can sit on an easel).
Learning Lounge signs may be placed 15-minutes before your scheduled presentation. The Learning Lounge has three entrances, you may produce and place 3 of these signs.
Satellite Symposia, Presentation Theaters, or Industry Education Evenings event hosts may place their signs outside the room 2-hours before the scheduled presentation.
Provide and remove your own easels. IDWeek has provided easels in the past. We can no longer provide this service. Our easels have been moved and stolen repeatedly and we cannot promise our staff will have the time to find and replace missing easels.
IDWeek does not need to approve the signage you produce. Remove your sign at the end of the presentation to avoid additional fees for the removal of your trash.
IDWeek reserves the right to move or reposition your signage.
For Affiliated Events at the Westin and Omni Hotels, please work with your event manager to ship directly to the hotels.
For Learning Lounges, please use the labels below:
IDWeek and its collaborating Societies (IDSA, SHEA, HIVMA, PIDS and SIDP) do not allow other companies or organizations to use their respective Society name and/or logo, unless the use is for a product or service that the respective Society(ies) sponsors or co-sponsors. IDWeek must review and provide written approval for any products or materials featuring the meeting name or logo prior to printing or production.
Announcements for affiliated events should not imply that the program is an official activity of IDWeek 2023. Phrases like “preceding IDWeek™ 2023” or “following IDWeek™ 2023” or “during IDWeek™ 2023” are appropriate.
The correct use of IDWeek: IDWeek is one word, the ID should be boldface, and use the trademark superscript after IDWeek™ 2023. To request written approval for all publications, contact John Buckley.
It is not acceptable to use “at IDWeek 2023 or “in conjunction with IDWeek 2023.”
Feel free to tag #IDWeek2023 in your social media campaigns surrounding IDWeek 2023 on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.